Draw imperfect lines and make mistakes, because Nothing is perfect. A drawing, an artwork, is an expression of your truth in progress. It is never finished, and it is a masterpiece in a process and its only gets better.
On some planets technologically advanced robotic organisms used chariots to drive around. It is a fast, light, two-wheeled conveyance drawn by three Crocodogs.
Steampunk Moving Castle
Flying City
Flying castle is a memory of something which has never happened, something that exists entirely inside the substratum of the mind.
Lost in mushrooms
Mushrooms and robots are two quite interesting symbols. Mushrooms represent nature itself. They are alive and vibrant, interconnected with all ecosystems and operate like a biomolecular supercomputer. Robot is a human-made technology, it is a nonbiological phenomena, augmented nature, mechanical baby of unrestrained technological progress.
Brained steampunk fish
Steampunk Crocodiles
Once upon a time, there lived cute crocodiles with narrow snouts. They were innovative inventors with unquenchable thirst for knowledge, bold and practical experimenters always ready to explore and experience something new.
Elephantus Philosophicus
Elephantus Philosophicus enjoys listening galactic radio noise that originates outside the Earth’s atmosphere. Sometimes he receives messages from extraterrestrial creatures from other dimensions. These aliens say: be fully alive, fully present, have gratitude for what you already have and realise that the life purpose is entirely up to you.
Inktober 2018. Day 5. Chicken.
Inktober 2018. Day 1 - Poisonous. Day 2 - Tranquil.
Inktober 2018
Poisonous Mushrooms. Amanita Ocreata. Conocybe Filaris. Amanita Phalloides.
Steampunk Jellyfish Mushroomman meditation.
Alien Fashion
Reptilian Brain
What if not primates, but reptilians would emerge as an extraordinary evolutionary force and develop super advanced civilisation, where they create computer simulation of the human world?