Inktober 2018. Day 5. Chicken.
Inktober 2018. Day 1 - Poisonous. Day 2 - Tranquil.
Inktober 2018
Poisonous Mushrooms. Amanita Ocreata. Conocybe Filaris. Amanita Phalloides.
Steampunk Jellyfish Mushroomman meditation.
Simon Barbecue
Another little book with my drawings, which was published this year. Fantastic!
Meet Simon Barbecue: skilled explorer, fearless hero, fan of custard creams. Join him as he tackles Mount Everest, plunges into the Amazon rainforest and sets out in the rough direction of the North Pole...
Elephantopotamus the Musician
Alien Fashion
Ice cream for everybody
Crocodile Cab
Steampunk Bicycle
Strong Dad
Sleepy Dad
Busy Dad
Spooky Dad
You Are So Noisy Daddy!
Too much knowledge
Knights and Robots
Teeny Tiny Aliens and the Great Big Pet Disaster
Teeny Tiny Aliens and the Great Big Pet Disaster - a book by Debbie White.
Teeny Tiny Aliens Itsy and Weeny are always in trouble. Can they find the Chief a pet, or will that end in disaster too?
Below is the character development for the book. The Teeny Tiny Alien has changed a bit and number five is the result we can see in the publication.
Soon poor Weeny and Itsy (and the ziplets) were drifting out in space in their Teeny Tiny Spaceship.
Itsy and Weeny didn't enjoy being at the bottom of the Teeny Tiny Sea. It was dark down there, and very boring. Except on the very last day, when a Great Green Slurp Bubbler sneaked up and tried to swallow their Teeny Tiny Submarine.
They hid from fearsome monsters with scary pincers and lots of legs.
Just then, Itsy's Teeny Tiny Space Phone ringed. Itsy and Weeny held their breath. What was the Chief going to say?
The Chief's birthday party started well. DJ Teeny Tiny Smalls was playing the Chief's favourite teeny tiny music tracks.